HiberHilo wins tender in Latin America

Article · 2min read

A client in Latin America was looking for an affordable and easy way to install a solution to help its team connect the annular pressure of their wells, and to comply with their Well Integrity Management System. 


Additionally, through the pressure readings, they were hoping to: 

  • Improve their reservoir analysis and management by receiving frequent data 
  • Optimise their resource allocation (people)
  • Reduce downtime 
  • Optimise production 

The Challenges


Most of the client's wells worked with gaslift and were towards the end of their production life. Monitoring was done manually by operators who went out to the field every day, if the weather allowed.


Severe weather conditions were indeed a challenge: humid environment, with temperatures in spring and summer that reached 35 degrees, and the rainy season from July-November causing floods that would leave parts of the wellhead submerged.


Also, cellular coverage was only available in some parts of the field.


The client looked for a solution via an invitation to tender.


The Solution

The goal of this tender was for the client to scout different telemetry solutions to test in their field. Hiber submitted a proposal, which consisted of: 

  • 6 HiberHilo Sensors per well, for 3 wells (wellhead pressure, wellhead temperature, flowline pressure, flowline temperature, annulus a pressure, annulus b pressure)
  • 1 HiberHilo Gateway
  • 1 HiberHilo Dashboard
  • Satellite Connectivity 


HiberHilo's biggest advantages in the selection process: 


Ease of installation: 

The other two systems required sensors, RTU and gateway; with a wired connection between the RTU and the gateway. With HiberHilo, the client only needed the sensors and gateway, and it was 100% wireless.


Good coverage and capacity: 

HiberHilo provided better coverage and capacity than the competition:

  • Competitor 1: 8km coverage and capacity for 70 sensors per gateway 
  • Competitor 2: 2km coverage and capacity for 96 sensors per gateway
  • HiberHilo: 8-10km coverage and capacity for 100 sensors

Satellite connectivity:

The other two solutions depended on cellular networks for the data transmission to the cloud, which was sometimes not available at the field. Our solution was able to work independently of this connectivity limitation through HiberHilo’s satellite network.


Secured Data Transmission:

One of the competitors did not have data encryption. HiberHilo has certified end-to-end encryption and the data is encoded as it goes through our system.


The Results so far


Among the five companies that were selected to apply to the tender, we ended up as one of the three finalists that were awarded to run a field test at the client’s facilities.

We were evaluated based on the following criteria

  • HSEQ
  • Project Management 
  • Personnel Equipment 
  • Connectivity 
  • Data Services 

HiberHilo solution was selected as the preferred solution. We are now working together with the client on the implementation of our technology for a larger scope in their field.