How to install HiberHilo on remote offshore assets.

Article · 2 min read

HiberHilo is a cost-effective and user-friendly monitoring solution for offshore oil wells. It delivers accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information from remote sites directly to an online dashboard that you can access any time, anywhere in the world. 

Because of its ability to gather data from remote locations, many oil and gas companies around the world use HiberHilo to monitor their remote, offshore wells. Instead of sending crews out to offshore platforms every few weeks to get pressure, temperature, flow, and other data, companies are installing HiberHilo to collect and transmit that data every few minutes. It means time saved, fewer crew visits, and continuous data updates. All available at your fingertips. 

One of the best parts? HiberHilo is affordable. And part of that affordability comes from the fact that your crew can install it themselves. No need for expensive specialists. In this article, we’ll walk you through the high-level idea of how offshore installations work.

#1: Plan your installation. 


Before you start the installation, you need to create a comprehensive plan that takes into account the exact location of your offshore assets. 


Our team will use the coordinates of your offshore wells to perform a thorough analysis of the best locations for each sensor and gateway. We’ll also check the strength of the LoRa signals in the area to ensure the sensors can communicate with the gateway.


At the end of this phase, you will have a detailed installation plan with the suggested number of gateways for your location and a map of where the gateways should be set up. This plan prevents any potential issues and speeds things up.



#2: Attend the online installation training.

Once you have the installation plan in place, it’s time to train your crew to install HiberHilo. Before you go out in the field, we'll host a virtual meeting to cover the installation process step by step and review the plan. During the training, we will also review the installation plan in detail, so your team knows exactly where to install the sensors and gateways and answer any questions that come up.

The ultimate goal: get your team comfortable with the installation process in a controlled environment, so they can perform it in a matter of hours out in the field. 


#3: Day-of support.

At last, the day of installation is here. To guarantee a successful setup, we offer online assistance and closely monitor the installation procedure. Should any alterations to an antenna or other changes be required, we will immediately notify your team so that the issue can be addressed without any delays.