Heritage Embraces Technology to Get More from Mature Assets 


Heritage chose HiberHilo for remote well monitoring.



In a move towards improving production and operational efficiency, Heritage Petroleum Company Limited (Heritage) selected Hiber Global’s LoRaWAN wireless well monitoring solution, called HiberHilo, to provide real-time data for its highest-producing offshore wells.  The installation of the technology facilitates real-time data on well performance, minimizes downtime, and significantly reduces exposure to offshore environments.


This is a simpler, faster, and less expensive monitoring solution for remote, mature assets with limited instrumentation and connectivity.  “Many of Heritage’s assets need manual readings, requiring an operator to visit each location to gather information on a well’s performance.  This new technology wirelessly transmits information from the well into our systems, so issues will be identified sooner, and we can pinpoint wells that are underperforming.  Furthermore, we can do this remotely, without having to send an operator to search for the well.  This will minimize their safety exposure, reduce emissions, and improve their response time,” says Erik Keskula, CEO of Heritage Petroleum.

Heritage’s offshore selected well map


This “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT) technology is currently installed on Heritage’s top offshore wells, and the new data is already being securely transmitted to shore and into their monitoring systems.  Keskula says, “The teams are already utilising this system to gain insights from the new data to make better and faster decisions to optimise production.”


This installation is the first of its kind in the region.  Hiber’s Managing Director, Erik Boertje, said, “We’re excited to partner with Heritage for the first offshore installation of our wireless technology in this region. Our solution aims to boost operational efficiency, enhance asset integrity, and improve team safety. Heritage’s use of emerging technologies such as this one, sets an example for responsible operations in the industry.”


The IIoT technology is also designed to accommodate the evolving needs of the business, offering scalability, flexibility, and easy integration with other types of existing infrastructure including pipelines and compressors.  The company is embracing the new technology and is seeking to apply this in other areas to improve results across the business as it continues to grow towards sustainable high-margin production for Trinidad and Tobago.