How to install HiberHilo on remote onshore assets.

Article · 2 min read

HiberHilo is a simple all-in-one well and pipeline monitoring solution that makes it possible to get data from your fields, no matter how remote. All at an affordable price. 


One of the things that makes it affordable? The fact that your team can install it themselves. No need to fly in specialists or train new people, just for the installation. 


So, how does it work for onshore installations? Here's a step-by-step overview of the process. 

#1: Plan your installation. 


The first step to any installation is to make an exhaustive plan. Our team will use the exact coordinates of your wells or pipelines to perform a thorough analysis of the best locations for each sensor and gateway. We will also check the strength of the LoRa signals in the field to make sure the sensors can communicate with the gateway. 


At the end of this phase, you’ll have a detailed installation plan with the suggested number of gateways for your location, and a map of where the gateways should be set up. Come installation day, the plan makes sure you can minimise any potential issues and keep the installation on schedule. 


#2: Attend our online installation training.

Once the plan is in place, it’s time to show the team how to install the HiberHilo solution. Our team will host an online meeting where we’ll guide your crew through the installation process step-by-step. During the training, we’ll also review the installation plan in detail so your team knows exactly where to install the sensors and gateways, and answer any questions that come up. 


The ultimate goal? Make the team comfortable with the installation process. That way, when they’re out in the field, the installation can be done in just a few hours. 


#3: Day-of support.

During installation, we offer online support and remotely monitor the installation to ensure everything is working as it should. If you need to adjust an antenna or make other changes, we’ll let you know right away so your team can fix the problem immediately. 

Get your onshore wells and pipelines, in a matter of minutes.

HiberHilo is specifically engineered to be simple to install. And with careful planning, comprehensive training, and day-of support, it actually is. Most of our installations take less than a day to complete. And once the gateway is turned on, you’ll see well and pipeline data in a matter of minutes.